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Overexpression of Wheat Gene Improves Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Stiff Brome

June 15, 2016

Ubiquitination plays an important role in regulating plant's development and adaptability to abiotic stress. Shandong Agricultural University researchers investigated the possible functions of the wheat monoubiquitin gene, Ta-Ub2, in abiotic stress in monocot as well as compare it with that in dicot.

The team developed transgenic stiff brome (Brachypodium distachyon) overexpressing the Ta-Ub2 gene under two promoters, CaMV35s and the stress-induced RD29A. The expression of Ta-Ub2 displayed slight growth inhibition in the growth of transgenic stiff brome under the control conditions.

However, the inhibition was minimized when the gene is under the RD29A promoter. The transgenic plants preserved more water and showed higher enzymatic antioxidants under drought stress. Salt and cold tolerances of transgenic B. distachyon were also improved.

Overexpression of Ta-Ub2 improved the abiotic stress tolerance in both dicot and monocot. The improvement in the transgenic plants in abiotic stress tolerance could be due to the regulation and increase of enzymatic antioxidants.

For more information, read the article in Plant Science.