Biotech Updates

Training Courses for Egypt-Sudan Cooperation in Agricultural Biotechnology

August 10, 2007

A training course on plant molecular biology will be held at the Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute (AGERI), Egypt, for Sudanese students on 12-23 August. This training course reflects the continuous cooperation between Egypt and Sudan in the field of agricultural biotechnology. Sudanese participants will get hands -on training on basic molecular biology techniques, as well as tissue culture technology.

AGERI has recently finished a couple of successful workshops in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). “Such courses are vital for African research as it improves the quality of knowledge produced by our researchers, and it provides access to the world’s best facilities, equipment and talent”., said Dr. Dina El-Khishin, AGERI’s Deputy Director for Training and Extension. ”A free flow of ideas and information is vital to the process of scientific thinking. AGERI’s training courses for African and Arab scientists provides such a platform for exchange of ideas and contributes to the expansion of the global knowledge base to which we are linked".

For more information on the courses visit
or write to Dr. Dina ElKhishin (