Biotech Updates

Socio-Economics Report of GMO Cultivation in Europe

April 29, 2011

The lack or absence of statistically relevant information is affecting the assessment of the socio-economic impact of cultivating genetically modified crops in the European Union. This was forwarded by a report Assessment of the economic performance of GM crops worldwide prepared for the European Commission.

The report analyzes the socio-economic dimensions of GMO cultivation as reported in the international scientific literature and in the conclusions of research projects funded under the EU's Framework Programmes for research (FP7). The report noted the "lack of sufficient comparable (raw) data when screening the literature for figures and numbers on economic parameters to allow for a robust quantitative comparison analysis." The manner in which data was gathered and the data collector influenced results, the report added.

See[tt_news]=13246&cHash=7656ea62e7 for a related news article. Download the report from