Biotech Updates

Cotton Seed Distributors to Release Three New Cotton Varieties

June 25, 2010

Three new Bollgard Roundup Ready Flex cotton varieties will soon to be released by the Cotton Seed Distributors, as part of the yearly tradition of releasing new cultivars. These new varieties are coded as Sicot 74 BRF, Sicala 340 BRF and Siokra 24 BRF.

According to plant breeder Dr. Warwick Stillar of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) , Sicot 74 is the improved type of Sicot 71, because it has better fiber quality, fiber length, and exhibited three to four percent yield increase in the testing areas. On the other hand, Sicala 340 replaces Sicala 350B, having enhanced staple length, strength, and fineness in the small-scale trials conducted. The improved variety of Siokra V16 BR is Siokra 24 BRF, which showed significant delayed resistance to whitefly attack and may be suitable in dryland conditions.

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