Biotech Updates

Zambians Accept Orange Provitamin A Maize

April 30, 2010

More than half of Zambian children under five years old lacks vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency could lead to retarded growth, blindness and more susceptibility to sickness. Thus, HarvestPlus collaborated with Zambian scientists to produce varieties of maize fortified with vitamin A. However, this biofortified maize has orange grains due to high content of beta-carotene that transforms into vitamin A when consumed by the body. Thus, a survey was conducted in order to know the acceptability of Zambians to biofortified orange maize.

The producers used radio and community leaders to inform the public about the nutritional value of the biofortified orange maize. Results of the survey confirm that Zambians favored the taste of the orange maize and they are willing to buy it in the market. The crop will be released in two years and is expected to improve the health of the Zambian population.

The press release can be viewed at