Biotech Updates

Punjab Issues Schedule for Sowing of Registered Bt Cotton Varieties

March 31, 2021

Pakistan's Agriculture Department Punjab released a schedule for planting registered cotton varieties and advised farmers to complete sowing of registered Bt cotton varieties from April 1 to May 31, 2021.

According to the Department's spokesperson, the registered Bt cotton varieties include IUB-13, MNH-886, BS-15, Niab-878, and FH-14. Farmers in specific districts were advised to plant other registered Bt cotton based on the instructions of local agriculture experts. The farmers were reminded to plant non-Bt varieties on 10 percent of their fields as a refuge for pests and prevent the development of resistance against Bt varieties. The spokesperson also discouraged the planting of unregistered varieties, which can reduce production.

Read more from Pakistan Biotechnology Information Center.

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