Biotech Updates

IPBO-VIB-UGent Course "Modern Breeding Techniques of Maize"

February 22, 2017

The Institute of Plant Biotechnology Outreach (IPBO) in collaboration with VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, and with the support of VLIR-UOS invites application for the course "Modern Breeding Techniques of Maize." The course will be conducted August 21 to September 8, 2017 in Gent, Belgium.

The program will start with fundamental background sessions on maize breeding, use of molecular markers in plant breeding, plant biotechnology, genetic transformation, and new breeding techniques for maize. Experts from Europe and Africa will give an overview of all biotic and abiotic stresses affecting the growth of maize, and possible solutions to overcome these threats. During the sessions, special emphasis will be given on the effects of fungal contamination, drought and soil fertility on the growth and yield of maize. The course will continue with both theory and exercises for the understanding of the basic principles and methodologies of crop safety and risk assessment. The sessions will include group work, presentations, and discussions. The program also includes practical exercises on maize phenotyping and bio-informatics and visits to confined field trials.

For more information, visit the course website, or contact