Biotech Updates

AfricaRice's Breakthrough Close to Combatting 'AIDS of Rice'

August 29, 2012

A number of rice varieties that are expected to combat the 'AIDS of Rice' in Africa will be released in the future by the Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice). The 'AIDS of Rice' is the colloquial term in the region of the rice disease technically known as Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV).

Through a variety (Gigante) from Mozambique which was discovered to be resistant to RYMV, scientists from AfricaRice identified and mapped Gigante's resistance gene and used molecular breeding to improve the RYMV resistance of West African elite rice cultivars. The near isogenic lines (NIL) of these potential resistant varieties were then further screened under controlled conditions using a purified virus isolate. Trials were conducted at multiple locations in the target countries to confirm their resistance to diverse natural populations of RYMV.

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