EU Approves XtendFlex Soybeans for Food and Feed Use
October 14, 2020 |
The European Commission has authorized XtendFlex soybeans (MON 87708 x MON 89788 x A5547-127) for food and feed uses in the European Union (EU). This genetically modified (GM) soybean has gone through a comprehensive authorization procedure, including a favorable scientific assessment by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The authorization is valid for 10 years, and any products produced from this GM soybeans will be subject to the EU's strict labeling and traceability rules.
This final key authorization for XtendFlex soybeans paves the way for a full launch in the United States and Canada in 2021. XtendFlex soybeans are built upon the high-yielding Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybean technology with the additional tolerance to glufosinate herbicides. XtendFlex soybeans provide growers with additional flexibility to manage tough-to-control and resistant weeds.
For more details, read the statement from the Commission website or the press release from Bayer.
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