Biotech Updates

Regulatory and Policy Officials of APEC Economies Briefed on Biotechnology and Plant Breeding Innovations

August 8, 2018

The High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology workshop of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies was concluded in Brisbane, Australia on August 1-3, 2018. Regulatory and policy officials from 16 APEC and three non-APEC economies converged to exchange the most current information on the most pressing issues affecting innovative technologies while building relationships among APEC members.

The first part of the program was devoted to a day of discussions on regulatory cooperation where experts and economies identified the best practices or tools that APEC economies can use to promote greater alignment of APEC economies' standards with relevant international standards. The second part of the workshop was a two-day discussion on plant breeding innovations, including the new tools such as genome editing, and an overview of the state of science and product development. Selected economies were invited to share on-going domestic discussions regarding innovative plant breeding developments, as well as policy and regulatory aspects.

In addition, a session on communication and public acceptance of products from biotechnology and plant breeding innovation was conducted to aid participants in increasing global public awareness.

The workshop was funded by the US Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service and the US-APEC Technical Assistance to Advance Regional Integration.

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