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European Science Academies Call for Urgent Action on Food and Nutrition Security

December 6, 2017

A team of European scientists conducted a two-year, extensive analysis on the future of food, nutrition, agriculture, and health. The study is a part of the global InterAcademy Partnership project comprised of 130 science academies. The findings of the study were published in a report by the European Academies' Science Advisory Council (EASAC). 

For plants and animals in agriculture, the report presented the following recommendations:

  • For livestock, determining how to capitalize on genomics research for food production and for animal health and welfare. This includes the rapidly advancing science of genome editing and the increasing significance of characterizing genetic material conserved in gene banks.
  • For the oceans, improving the knowledge base for sustainable harvest and culturing of lower trophic level marine resources and exploring the potential for biomass provision to diminish pressures on agricultural land, freshwater and fertilizers.
  • For crops, progressing understanding of the genetics and metabolomics of plant product quality. This also includes capitalizing on the new opportunities coming within range for the targeted modification of crops using genome editing.
  • For plants as well as for animal science, it is important to protect wild gene pools and to continue sequencing genetic resources to unveil the potential of genetic resources.

Download a copy of the report from EASAC.