Biotech Updates

Canada Revises Draft Policy on LLP of GM Crop Imports

May 6, 2015

The Canadian government revised its proposed Policy on the Management of Low-Level Presence of Genetically Modified Crops in Imported Grain, Food and Feed and its Associated Implementation Framework for Grain. The policy was developed to provide transparency and predictability, and minimize disruptions to trade while protecting the health and safety of people, animals and the environment. It also aims to facilitate an efficient risk-based approach to manage an expected increase in occurrences of low-level presence (LLP) in international trade, while promoting compliance with Canadian regulatory requirements.

Public comments on the policy were solicited in 2012-2013, which served as bases for the revisions in the drafted policy. The revisions include the addition of important technical details to help clarify different parts of the Policy and Implementation Framework and to ensure consistency with Canada's legislative framework with respect to compliance promotion and enforcement actions.

Read the revised policy at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.