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Spain Confirms Bt Corn has No Adverse Effects on the Environment

July 22, 2011

The Spanish Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino or MARM) has finally completed its 12-year study on the potential effects of Bt maize on the environment. The report titled "Environmental Monitoring Plan for Growing GM Maize in Spain" concludes that GM maize had no negative effect on flora and fauna as stated: "no adverse effects were detected on non-target arthropods and on soil microorganisms. Neither has shown an increase in the level of corn borer resistance to Bt toxin." It is also stated in the report that "herbicides affect the bacterial communities present in the rhizosphere of maize and glyphosate is considerably less aggressive than the other herbicides." Nonetheless, the Ministry will continue to monitor GM crops in the coming years.

Read the original article in Spanish at