Biotech Updates

Partnerships to Boost African Agriculture in Climate Change

July 22, 2011

Climate change is predicted to affect badly the developing countries especially Africa. Several agricultural initiatives have already been started in the African region to meet the challenges brought by climate change. One of the recent partnerships is that of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Alliance for Green Revolution (AGRA) to develop seeds that are resistant to the effects of flooding.

In a recent news release, Judith Rodin, the president of Rockefeller Foundation, said "fighting the effects of climate change could provide an opportunity for increasing investments into the agricultural, financial and medical sectors in a way that generates economic growth." The Rockefeller Foundation is also partnering with the African Union's Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programs (CAADAP) spearheaded by the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) to address the social and agricultural challenges brought by climate change.