Biotech Updates

CGIAR Program to Improve Maize Opens Call for Proposals

May 11, 2012

The CGIAR research program on maize is now receiving proposals and concept notes by scientists for initiatives to improve maize. The Maize Competitive Grants Initiative allows scientists worldwide to apply for funds to support research and capacity building activities that will make a significant contribution to the improvement of the crop.

Concept Notes are sought for one or more of the priority research areas including:

  • Socioeconomics and policies for maize futures
  • Sustainable intensification and income opportunities for the poor
  • Smallholder precision agriculture
  • Stress tolerant maize for the poorest
  • Towards doubling maize productivity
  • Integrated post-harvest management
  • Nutritious maize
  • Seeds of discovery
  • New tools and methods for NARS and SMEs

For more details: