Biotech Updates

NSF Grant Supports Study on Hidden Soybean Genes

May 11, 2012

With the help of the $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), University of Georgia (UGA) professor and plant geneticist Wayne Parrott will try to uncover more uses of soybean.

According to him, soybean is a key crop essential for satisfying the nutritional needs of the increasing global population. He added that extensive study and understanding of the crop's genes is important in the development of new soybean varieties. He will be working with scientists at the University of Missouri; Gary Stacey, Carroll Vance and Robert Stupar at University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus; and Tom Clemente at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Over the next three years, the research team will work on the collection of soybean insertional and gene activation mutants. They will be using a jumping gene that UGA plant biology professor Sue Wesser found in rice. This will be inserted into soybean plants in Parrott's laboratory.

Read more about their research project at