Biotech Updates

Australian OGTR Issues License for Environmental Release of GM Wheat and Barley

March 23, 2012

The Australian Office of Gene Technology Regulator  (OGTR) has issued a license for the application of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) to conduct the limited and controlled release in the environment of GM wheat and barley that contain altered gene composition and nutrient utilization efficiency.

The release of the 118 lines of GM wheat and 40 lines of GM barley will be conducted in the New Genes for New Environments (NGNE) facility, Western Australia, on a maximum area of 1.0 ha per year between May 2012 and June 2015. The trial aims assess whether the respective genetic modifications result in increased biomass and yield of the GM plants with respect to unmodified plants.

See the announcement and the dossiers at