Biotech Updates

New and Much Cheaper Genomics Technique Takes Off

March 23, 2012

The genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technology developed by the Institute for Genomic Diversity (IGD), Cornell University has gained popularity as it allows researchers to generate huge amounts of genetic information that can be used in various genomic researches in plants, animals, and humans. The GBS is a unique technology that allows users to collect data of up to 384 individuals in a single sequencing lane using a protocol with only four basic steps from DNA to data, and at a cost of about one cent for every 50,000 data points.

The technology has attracted international attention and requests for trainings. "The aspect of GBS that is most appealing is that it produces tens to hundreds of thousands of genetic markers," said Sharon Mitchell, IGD research and laboratory manager. "Most plant and animal breeders are interested in using this plethora of markers to speed up the breeding process in a big way."

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