Biotech Updates

Burundi Release Two New Rice Varieties for Better Lives

January 6, 2012

Two new rice varieties IR77713 and IR79511 developed and bred for Burundi conditions were recently-released in the country. IRRI-Burundi developed the new rice varieties in recognition of the urgent need for better rice varieties adapted to local conditions and matching farmer and consumer needs.

Consumers, farmers and other agricultural stakeholders in different regions across Burundi and in three-year participatory variety selection trials, chose the two rice varieties over the locally-grown varieties based on yield, taste, and morphology.

"We congratulate IRRI for this achievement," concluded Director General of Agriculture Sebastien Ndikumagenge, Burundi Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. "By releasing these two varieties, IRRI contributes a lot to our efforts to find food for Burundians. We encourage IRRI to go forward."

The original news can be viewed at