Biotech Updates

Germany – Case Against Gatersleben Field Destroyer Justified

November 26, 2010

Members of the Green Forum Reason (FGV), an initiative of private individuals who proactively provide information about agricultural biotechnology, welcomed the decision of the district court in Aschersleben on a criminal proceedings against the 6 Gatersleben GM field destroyers. The ruling will now make the researchers for green biotechnology in Gatersleben more confident knowing that under the law GM field destroyers will be punished.

 "This ruling is an important signal. The destruction of scientific tests can be found in any case as a means of freedom of speech. However, destruction activities are not a trivial matter, and must be consistently pursued as a criminal offense. In this respect, the condemnation of the field destroyer justified logically and completely," said Dr. Uwe Schrader, chairman of the Forum Green Reason.

See the original article in German at