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UN Blanket Feeding Operation to Fight Children Malnutrition in Niger

May 7, 2010

Five hundred thousand Niger children were beneficiaries of the United Nations blanket feeding operation in collaboration with Niger authorities. It has been reported that one in two Niger children are underdeveloped and are in dire need of food assistance. According to Niger's UNICEF country director, Guido Cornale, this situation is just a proof that children are the first to be affected by adverse climatic effects.

Areas with reported malnourished children were chosen in this program headed by the UN World Food Programme (WFP). Last April 28, Koléram, in southern Niger, is the first area rationed with a monthly supply of eight kilograms of corn soy blend with sugar and nearly one kilogram of oil fortified with vitamin A. WFP estimated that it would take almost 18 megatons of food to feed the target of 500,000 children.

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