Biotech Updates

EMBRAPA and CIRAD Adapt Their Joint Strategy for Major World Challenges

September 11, 2009

The 25 long years of successful joint collaboration between the French La Recherche Agronomique au service des Pays du Sud (CIRAD) and Brazilian Agricultural Research Cooperation (EMBRAPA) is strengthened once again with a new 6-year commitment for a joint declaration. The focus of this new cooperation will be on:

     • functional genomics, for breeding tropical, sub-tropical and Mediterranean plant species
     • sustainable development of the Amazonian biome
     • public policies and sustainable regional development for family agriculture; and
     • tripartite cooperation, particularly geared to the less advanced countries in Africa.

The partnership has been the foundation of Franco-Brazilian cooperation in matters of agronomic research with more than 20 joint projects, and one of the world's highest concentrations of expertise in this field. "EMBRAPA is a major historic partner for CIRAD," underlines Gérard Matheron, CIRAD's director general. "The quality of our relations and the pertinence of our joint projects puts us in a position to take on new areas of research, within a research partnership with global implications." 

See the press release at: