Biotech Updates

First APTECS 2009 Calls for Papers

September 11, 2009

A National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (APTEC) will be held on 22 December 2009 at Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia. The seminar with the theme "The Excellence of Energy Resources in Addressing Global Socio-Economy Crisis" aims to bring together researchers, scientists, representatives from the private sector, and students to share and discuss their new ideas, research projects and experiences on applied technology and science. The event will cover topics including applied technology (technology application on educational system, renewable energy, energy efficiency, biotechnology, communication and game technology) and science (nano science, nuclear science, agriculture and forestry).

Participants are invited to submit their paper on 17 November 2009 to For more information, visit or