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FAO Proposes New Food Security Structure for World Summit Deliberation

August 7, 2009

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has sent a document to Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Development Cooperation and Agriculture of members of FAO and the United Nations to consider as a declaration for adoption by the World Summit of Heads of State and Government on Food Security in November 2009 in Rome.

Secretariat contribution to defining the objectives and possible decisions of the World Summit on Food Security, calls for the complete eradication of hunger by 2025 and for secure, sufficient, safe and nutritious food supplies for a world population that is expected to reach 9.2 billion in 2050. Among the issues raised in the document include a proposal for a new world food security governance structure, public and private investment for increasing agricultural production in developing countries, institutional and capacity building, food quality and safety, and transboundary pests and diseases of plants and animals.

See the FAO press release at