Biotech Updates

ICRISAT to Re-establish Center in Nigeria

September 26, 2008

Nigeria will once again host the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). ICRISAT which used to have a research center in Kano, Nigeria in 1987 entered into another memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN). ICRISAT Director General William Dar and the Executive Director of ARCN By Abubakar signed the MOU which will facilitate the re-establishment of the Center. This second collaboration hopes to strengthen research programs in Nigeria, ensure mutual cooperation among scientists, facilitate exchange of germplasm, breeding material, scientific information and techniques, and also focus on capacity development. In particular, the regional research and training program will focus on sorghum and millet and natural resource management in West and Central Africa.

For details, view the press release at: