Biotech Updates

Walnut Genetic Research

September 26, 2008

Genetic markers have been proven to be a useful instrument by breeders to improve crops. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and University of California-Davis colleagues have embarked on a research to identify genetic markers to study the genetic make-up of the walnut tree. Using genetic markers, plumpness of the kernel, maturity, and disease resistance can be identified early in the seedlings, thus saving valuable time since the walnut tree takes several years to bear marketable nuts. The markers will also be valuable in profiling the genetic makeup of the more than 1,600 walnut trees in the nation’s official walnut collection in Davis, California which the lead ARS geneticist of the project Mallikarjuna Aradhya is managing.

View the press release at: for more details.