Biotech Updates

Brazil Approves Oxitec's Friendly™ Technology Against Fall Armyworm

April 21, 2021

CTNBio, Brazil's biosafety regulatory agency, has approved Oxitec's Friendly™ fall armyworm technology on March 9, 2021 for application on farmers' fields.

The approval follows an in-depth, independent evaluation of scientific data by CTNBio, permitting the deployment of this solution on commercial crops across Brazil, and validating it as a safe, environmentally friendly, and sustainable crop protection solution.

Powered by Oxitec's Friendly™ technology, this fall armyworm solution has been developed to protect farmers' crops and livelihoods and will now proceed to large pilot programs in Brazil. The deployment of Oxitec's Friendly™ fall armyworm will reduce populations of fall armyworm in a safe and environmentally friendly way, in parallel with the existing tools available to farmers.

For more details, read the news release from Oxitec. The approval is available on CTNBio's website (Portuguese).

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