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Study Finds Attitudes of the Youth toward GM Food Affected by Family Members

February 13, 2019

A study found that young adults' attitudes towards GMO food was influenced by their referent individual, their location, and their gender. Published by PLOS One, the study by Stephen Brosig and Miroslava Bavarova had respondents from the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Russia.

Results showed that there is a positive association between the GM food attitudes of young adults and their referent person, particularly their mothers. Results also showed that the said association is stronger in respondents from Russia and the Czech Republic compared to the respondents from Ukraine. Lastly, the association of attitudes between the attitudes of young female adults and their referent persons was found to be stronger than between young male adults and their referent persons.

According to the authors, their research has implications and suggests a potential direction for further studies that may use concepts of personal traits, communication patterns, culture, and power relationships to analyze the impact of referent persons to attitude formations. This, in turn, will be useful in determining people's attitudes towards approved GM foods and GM labeling in the future.

Read more details of the study in PLOS One.