Biotech Updates

Kenya's National Biosafety Authority Gives GM Cotton Partial Nod

September 14, 2016

The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has approved environmental release (open field cultivation) of MON 15985 event (commonly referred to as Bt cotton) for the purpose of conducting limited National Performance Trials (NPTs). This follows an application submitted by Monsanto Kenya Ltd in October 2015 seeking approval for "environmental release, cultivation and placing on the market."

According to a press release from NBA, the decision to approve was based on the outcome of food and feed safety assessment, considerations of socio-economic issues, environmental risk assessment, as well as analysis of public comments received. This was conducted in compliance with the Biosafety Act 2009.

This is the second open field cultivation approval in Kenya, the first having been granted in February 2016 for the insect resistant maize application under the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) project.

For more information on the approval and its conditions, download the NBA's notice.