Biotech Updates

Colorado State University and Cairo University Meet on Joint Activities

May 28, 2014

Colorado State University (CSU) invited Dr. Mohamed Yousri Hashem, the Dean of Faculty of Agriculture at Cairo University and Dr. Naglaa Abdallah, Coordinator of BSc Biotechnology program, to initiate a collaboration program. CSU professors Drs. Jodie Hanzlik (Dean of Graduate Studies), Patrick Byrne (Professor of Plant Breeding/Genetics), Jim Cooney (Vice Provost for International Affairs), and  Craig Beyrouty (Dean of College of Agricultural Sciences) highlighted the opportunities for academic and research collaboration. 

The collaboration will also include Hawassa University in Ethiopia and University of Nairobi in Kenya. The program will include activities covering topics such as water resources and water management, GMO and biosafety, plant breeding for drought tolerance plants, precision agriculture, and biofuels.

For news on biotechnology in Egypt, email Dr. Naglaa Abdallah at