Biotech Updates

Portugal is the Site for Microalgae Cultivation Demo

May 28, 2014

Biotechnology experts have started to build a one-hectare pilot unit for the production of microalgae in Portugal. The pilot site will include fermentation units, tubular photobioreactors and raceways. This demonstration pilot unit is one of the milestones expected from the Integrated Sustainable Algae (InteSusAl) project, which aims to optimize production of algae by both heterotrophic and phototrophic routes. It will be located in the municipality of Olhão, in southern Portugal.

"InteSusAl's demonstration unit comes in a time of extreme importance to ensure Europe's energy supply security. We are glad that the European Commission is making it possible to demonstrate this new approach to produce microalgae biomass. We hope that our results will attract attention from investors interested in financing a 10-hectare site to produce microalgae in a sustainable manner on an industrial scale" said Neil Hindle, the InteSusAl project coordinator.

The project will be assessed for its sustainability through a life-cycle analysis that will consider both economic and environmental implications. Demonstration trials are expected to begin October.