Biotech Updates

French Think GMO Cultivation Will Help Farmers

October 26, 2007

According to a survey commissioned by GNIS (Groupement Interprofessionnel des Semences et plants) and the General Association of Maize Growers (AGPM), most French think that it is necessary to allow farmers to grow GMO, as it will contribute to their competitiveness. Fifty-two percent of respondents believe that farmers should be given freedom to grow GMO crops. It was noted that 24 percent were ‘undecided’ regarding GMOs, whereas 62 percent agrees with the assertion that farmers growing genetically modified crops take the risk of  having their fields destroyed by anti-GMO militants. The results also showed that the French are well-informed on the use of biotechnology in crop improvement, saying that farmers want to grow GMO because of higher yield, increased resistance to diseases and reduction in pesticide use. The survey was conducted last week with a national sample representative of 1000 people.