Biotech Updates

Online Feature Improves Pest, Disease Reporting in Western Australia

July 13, 2012

A new online capability to report pests and diseases in Western Australia grain belt has been developed by the Department of Agriculture (DAFWA) and Food and the University of Western Australia, with funding from the Grains Research and Development Corporation. Named PestFax Map, this online tool can help farmers and industry representatives report details of pest and disease outbreaks.

Once confirmed, these reports will be incorporated into the PestFax newsletter and PestFax Map and be viewed in satellite or map form. These will show all instances of a pest or disease as well as multiple pests and diseases for optional time periods of years, months, weeks or days.

Dr. Art Diggle, DAFWA senior researcher and map leader hoped that the online reporting capability on PestFax Map would eventually lead to people being able to report outbreaks from smart phones, with the person's identity and location automatically recorded.

The original news can be seen at