Biotech Updates

APEC: Biotech to Improve Food Security

June 1, 2012

High officials of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) have recognized that biotechnology can contribute to food security and sustainability in the region. Prior to the APEC Ministerial Meeting which will be held in Kazan, Russia on May 30-31, experts have warned officials that climate change, population increases, limited arable land, and water scarcity pose challenges to meeting the food security needs in the region.

Dr. Julian Adams of the Program for Biosafety Systems gave APEC officials a briefing on the potential of biotechnology in the region. Dr. Adams said that "While food intake has been increasing, there is limited potential for cropland expansion in Asia." He also discussed the increased demand for water in the future, adding that, "In 2025, about two-thirds of the world's population – about 5.5 billion people – are expected to live in areas facing moderate to severe water stress."

To read the news release and more about APEC, go to