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Improving Lives of Rural Farmers in Vietnam by Reducing Greenhouse Emissions

March 30, 2012

A recent study led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) assessed greenhouse gas emissions from the production of key food crops in Vietnam and evaluated the potential of alternative mitigation options in agriculture. The mitigation potential is largest with rice, and in the rural areas where most of the poor in Vietnam are living.

Vietnam's greenhouse gas emissions are low in the global context, but its rapid growth will likely triple by 2030. The study analyzed alternative management for paddy rice, the country's main staple crop, which is the key to pro-poor agricultural mitigation. Several practices were suggested by the study team to achieve the largest mitigation and economic benefits for rice and increased nutrient use efficiency.

With more than 60 percent of Vietnam's population actively involved in the agriculture sector, the mitigation potential is high and reduced emissions is a potential source of income for Vietnamese farmers.

More details are available at