Biotech Updates

"Biotechnology into Campus" in Beijing

December 2, 2011

"Biotechnology into Campus", a series of science promotion activities, kicked off in key middle and primary schools in Beijing, China on November 8-18, 2011. Organized by the Chinese Society of Biotechnology (CSBT), China Biotechnology Information Center (ChinaBIC) and CropLife China Biotech Committee, the program aimed to bring science knowledge to school students.

Is genetic modification (GM) safe? What are its applications? These questions raised by high school students from Beijing Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University and primary school students from Xi Yuan Primary School, were answered through reading story boards and colorful brochures, attending quiz contests with prizes, asking questions to experts, and interviewing scientists on-site. About 2000 students participated in the activities.

A series of mini-drama on "what biotechnology is" through role play explained how GM technology helped crops to fight insects and reduced use of pesticides, and supplied people with healthy food. The student volunteers played different roles such as cotton, cotton bollworm, maize, and cattle to pass biotechnology knowledge to their classmates in a fun way.

The "Biotechnology into Campus" is a component of a series of science promotion programs launched by CSBT, ISAAA ChinaBIC, and CropLife China in the last two years. It is planned to be extended to more schools to enable more students to better understand agricultural biotechnology.

For more details, contact Mr. Hongxiang Zhang of the China Biotechnology Information Center at