Biotech Updates

Position Paper on Food Security and Safety

November 18, 2011

The Society for General Microbiology (SGM), a registered charity in the United Kingdom, has released a position statement on food security and safety. It was launched on November 1, 2011 at the House of Lords, UK.

SGM presented nine research themes where the role of microbiological research is crucial to meet the challenges of ensuring global food security and safety. These include soil health and nutrient cycling, plant-microbe dynamics, crop pathogens, and novel methods.

While recognizing that any proposed solutions to the challenges of food security and safety will require multidisciplinary, multinational teams, SGM sees the need to:

  • Support microbiology research programs and to procure the necessary resources required to deliver the proposed research.
  • Support the training and development of skilled microbiologists.
  • Provide world-class research facilities, including those needed to study microbes in the animal, crop or environmental systems where they act rather than surrogate laboratory-based models.

Check out for the original news. Download the Position Paper at