Biotech Updates

5th African Agriculture Science Week and FARA General Assembly

July 2, 2010

The science week and Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) General Assembly will be conducted on 19-24 July 2010 at the Ouga International Convention Center, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso with the theme: African Agricultural Innovation in a Changing Global Environment. Subthemes for discussion include: Investment in agricultural innovation in the post financial crisis era; Knowledge centres and networks to cope with the challenges of globalization and climate change; and Resilience of African agricultural trade to domestic and external shocks . These subtopics  are intended to address major challenges including emerging issues which are of the utmost importance and will produce concrete suggestions for actions by FARA's constituents. The pre-plenary meetings, exhibits and poster sessions will be organized to make optimal use of the participants' limited time during the Africa Agricultural Science Week and at the FARA General Assembly.

For details of the Science Week activities and this announcement, see