Biotech Updates

Monsanto Seeks U.S. EPA Registration for Refuge-in-the-bag Option for Genuity Corn

July 2, 2010

The chemical company Monsanto announced that it has submitted for registration to the US Environmental Protection Agency a 5 percent refuge-in-the-bag (RIB) option for Genuity® VT Double PRO™ corn. Genuity VT Double PRO (MON 89034 × NK603) is a hybrid of two GM corn that provides protection from the European corn borer, southwestern corn borer, fall armyworm, and corn earworm, while offering tolerance to Roundup® agricultural herbicides.

The RIB technology will allow farmers to conveniently plant the Bt seed and refuge seed coming from one bag, as well as assure grower compliance with refuge requirements thereby helping protect the long-term durability of Bt technology. This is the second RIB submission of the seed company with the Genuity® SmartStax™ corn, submitted in December 2009. Both RIB product options will be commercially available to farmers in the U.S. Corn Belt for the 2012 growing season.

See the news release at