Biotech Updates

New Wheat with More Health Power

May 28, 2010

The amount of nutritional components found in wheat varies from one variety to another, with some varieties providing four times more nutrients. To conduct research to improve the amount of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals of wheat, the EU's Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) on "Food quality and safety" has since June 2005, granted a project called HEALTHGRAIN the acronym for "Exploiting Bioactivity of European Cereal Grains for Improved Nutrition and Health Benefits".

Scientists of the project that will be terminated at the end of the month report the identification of markers for dietary fibers, tocopherols (vitamin E) and sterols that can be used by plant breeders in wheat breeding programs. In addition, researchers are now developing new tools such as near-infrared calibrations and antibodies that can be used by plant breeders, grain traders and processors, as well as members of the food industry in identifying wheat lines with improved nutritional quality.

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