Biotech Updates

Biofortification as Part of the ‘Feed the Future' Strategy

May 28, 2010

During the recent launch of the "Feed the Future' strategy of the United States Government, Dr. Rajiv Shah, USAID Administrator, stressed the importance of HarvestPlus' contribution in improving nutrition through agriculture. Improving the nutritional value of staple foods is part of the FTF Strategy, which is also in line with HarvestPlus' objectives of fortifying the most important staple crops with micronutrients. One of the biofortified crops produced by HarvestPlus is the vitamin A-rich orange sweet potato. This biofortified crop was developed in collaboration with the International Potato Center with the aim of advancing the economic well-being and health of Africans. Aside from that, HarvestPlus is working with other institutions in developing biofortified bean in Rwanda and pearl millet in India.

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