Biotech Updates

Wheat Groups to Synchronize Biotech Introduction in U.S., Canada and Australia

May 15, 2009

Organizations representing the wheat industry in the United States, Canada and Australia released a statement to synchronize the commercialization of biotech traits in the wheat crop to minimize market disruption. In a statement, the wheat groups highlighted the importance of wheat to the food supply, the slow yield growth trends, and the lack of public and private investment in wheat research. It likewise noted that biotechnology could be a "significant component" to tackling major issues facing the industry.

U.S. organizations were represented by the National Association of Wheat Growers, U.S. Wheat Associates and the North American Millers' Association. Canadian signatories include Grain Growers of Canada, Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association and Alberta Winter Wheat Producers Commission. Representatives of Australia were the Grains Council of Australia, Grain Growers Association, and Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia (Inc.).

The full statement is available online at