Biotech Updates

Monsanto and BASF Partnership Bear Fruit

September 19, 2008

The initial results of a research and development collaboration between agricultural companies Monsanto and BASF Plant Science are encouraging. In an advanced stage is the first-generation drought-tolerant corn technology to be launched after 2012 and targets 6 to 10 percent yield increase for farmers. Projects involve four main crops - corn, soybeans, cotton and canola. In field trials, all four projects have so far shown significant yield improvements over control groups. A soybean trial in South America showed a yield advantage of 6-10 percent while US cotton trials demonstrated a 19 percent yield advantage.

"As the world faces continued and growing demands for agricultural goods, Monsanto has committed to double crop yields in corn, soybeans and cotton by 2030," said Steve Padgette, Vice President of Biotechnology at Monsanto. "Our biotech collaboration with BASF is expected to enable us to both discover and develop higher-yielding products for farmers, at a faster rate."

View Monsanto’s press release at