Asian Biotechnology Information Centers Pledge to Advance Biosciences
March 3, 2021 |
Eight Biotechnology Information Centers (BICs) from across Asia met to give their commitment to continue promoting the different fields of biotechnology to beneficiaries as the technology evolves and branches out even more.
The online meeting, hosted by ISAAA SEAsiaCenter, was attended by representatives from China, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan, Malaysia, and the Philippines on March 2, 2021. Each BIC provided a short overview of their accomplishments for 2020 and their plans for 2021. Dr. Rhodora R. Aldemita, Director of the ISAAA SEAsiaCenter and Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology, also gave a summary of the 2020 collaborative activities among ISAAA, the BICs, and their partner organizations. The 2020 accomplishments set the direction of the lined-up 2021 activities of the BICs such as conducting more webinars, translating biotech communication materials into their respective languages, promoting the technology to the public, and participating in international biosafety regulation meetings.
Dr. Jennifer Thomson, Vice-Chair of the ISAAA Board, gave an inspirational message for the BICs. She congratulated the teams for all their accomplishments despite the challenges met during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. She then shared a few key points on how to effectively communicate biotechnology:
- establish trust with your audience by being open and honest;
- debunk biotech myths using sound science; and
- share and learn from the experiences of the countries that have successfully adopted biotechnology.
Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan, ISAAA Global Coordinator, echoed these points during the meeting's closing remarks and pushed the BICs' reach further by saying that ISAAA will be widening its network to capture a larger audience not just in the field of crop biotechnology but in the fields of animal biotech, microbial technology, and new breeding innovations very soon.
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