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Wageningen Economic Research Conducts Comparative Analysis of Global Agricultural Policies for the EU

February 20, 2019

Wageningen Economic Research and IFLS Frankfurt have conducted a study for the European Parliament which provides a comparative analysis of global agricultural policies to draw lessons for the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

An in-depth analysis of selected instruments in five countries (Australia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, and USA) were conducted and recommendations were drawn on how current instruments and the policy mix can be improved to better address challenges for agriculture and rural development in the European Union (EU). Policy proposals and recommendations included instruments for risk management, rural development, support in regions with natural constraints, and innovation and knowledge.

These recommendations state that the EU could still learn from other countries, particularly to achieve farm income resilience through risk management tools and to achieve climate and other environmental objectives.

For more details, download the full report at Wageningen University and Research website.