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Cornell University Professor Advocates Consumption of GMOs

March 15, 2017

"You cannot at the same time uphold the scientific consensus around climate change and deny the scientific consensus around the safety of GM crops," said Cornell University Professor Sarah Davidson Evanega, director of Cornell Alliance for Science. Speaking on Food Security and Global Growth: The Big Picture on March 4 as part of the President's Council of Cornell Women (PCCW) Symposium 2017, Evanega emphasized that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) could play an important role in fighting global food insecurity.

Evanega encouraged people to reexamine their views of GMOs, and to evaluate each GMO on a case by case basis, assessing risks and benefits to consumers and the environment. "I cannot at the same time call myself an environmentalist and stand in the way of technology that reduces pesticide use such as Bt crops," she said.

Through the Cornell Alliance for Science, Evanega works to help people understand how agricultural biotechnology can help enhance food security while minimizing the negative impact of agriculture on the environment.

For more details visit the Cornell University website, or read the article in the Cornell Daily Sun.