Biotech Updates

NZ Scientists Develop GE Ryegrass for Healthier Animals

November 23, 2016

Scientists from AgResearch in New Zealand are developing genetically engineered ryegrass with better nutritional quality and energy system that can lead to healthier animals, better farm production, and less environmental impact.

The new variety of ryegrass developed through modern biotechnology has exhibited 40% increase in production, with 30% less in water use. The animals that feed on this GE ryegrass can eat less and still achieve the same weight gain. The GE ryegrass has a high metabolisable energy (HME) system, giving it a 20% increase in photosynthesis and in-vitro rumen investigations have measured a 15-23% decrease in methane production.

According to the researchers, the potential value of GDP based on modelling ranges from $2 billion to $5 billion in additional revenue depending on farmers' adoption rate.

Read more from AgResearch.