Biotech Updates

Comparison of Egg Laying and Hatching of European Corn Borer on Bt and Non-Bt maize

July 17, 2013

Scientists at Poland's National Research Institute and partners conducted an investigation on the dynamics of egg laying and hatching of European corn borer larvae on biotech maize (MON810) and non-biotech isogenic maize (DKC 3420) from 2008-2011 in Gluchow, Poland.

The number of egg clusters deposited by the larvae on biotech and non-biotech maize were observed and results showed no significant difference except in 2011, but this was attributed by the researchers to the weather conditions during that time period. Female borers did not exhibit preference in depositing eggs. Furthermore, no difference in the process of laying and hatching eggs were found between biotech and non-biotech maize. The first egg clusters and the last egg clusters were deposited on the same dates for both biotech and non-biotech maize. Empty (hatched) egg clusters were also observed on the same dates for both maize varieties.

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