Biotech Updates

Biotech Guaranteed US$100K to Average Brazilian Corn Growers in Four Years

January 23, 2013

The sixth edition of studies of the economic and social-environmental impacts of the adoption of biotech crops in Brazil has been released by the Associacao Brasileira de Sementes e Mudas (ABRASEM – Brazilian Association of Seeds and Seedlings). The studies conducted by Celeres and Celeres Ambiental shows that, farmers planting 50 hectares of insect resistant corn earned an additional US$100,400 since the technology was commercialized in Brazil in 2003. An increase of US$324,100 in earnings will be accrued over the next ten years.

In addition, the upcoming approval of new technologies, aside from transgenic corn, soybean and cotton which have been approved and in commercial production, will enhance the total economic benefit to US$118.2 billion in the next ten years. Around 82% of this amount will go to the farmer growers.

For more on this report, see the press release at