Biotech Updates

IndoBIC and ABSP II Launch Book on Potato Breeding in Indonesia

January 23, 2013

The Indonesia Biotechnology Information Center (IndoBIC) and ABSP II launched  a book  "The role of biotechnology in potato breeding and its regulations in Indonesia" during the Training of Trainors workshop for farmers and agricultural officers in Bogor on 20 December 2012. The book covers topics on: conventional potato breeding technique; biotech potato with late blight resistance to phytopthora infestans; and  biotech crops and its regulation in Indonesia.

The book is a collaborative effort of a team of authors from Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development (ICABIOGRAD) and Vegetables Research Institute (IVRI) It is edited by Mr. Herianto Lingga, a senior journalist and an agricultural observer in Indonesia.

Contact of IndoBIC for further information.